vrijdag 23 september 2016

Sébastien Izambard Official Fan Club / Il Divo Fans For Charity : AMTM Raffle : 2 unique tickets for Il Divo's concert in Las Vega's + M&G Seb!!! Let's buy those tickets!

Hey everyone!

there is a new raffle for AMTM! wanna know more? Please read the following letter : 

AMTM RAFFLE : 2 unique VIP tickets for Il Divo's Concert in Las Vegas november 18!

Sébastien Izambard,is the patron of AMTM since 2005. Auctions of belongings, tickets for his concerts as raffle prize,hi is always supporting us trough many original and kind actions. 

this year,hi does it again! 
- 2 VIP tickets for the concerto f il Divo in Las Vegas, The Palm Hotel,November 18th
- as well an special extended "Meet and Greet" with Sébastien before the show!

ticket price for this prize (2 VIP tickets + extended Meet & Greet) : $15 (or €13 or £11)

payment methods : 
PAYPAL to mgille@amtm.org (Marc Gille is AMTM director,do not hesistate to mail him if you have any questions)/
or ONLINE DONATION (visa,mastercard or amex) at http://amtm.org/no-cache/en/development/how-to-donate.html
choose "RAFFLE: Meet & Greet Il Divo Las Vega's (13€ or $15 or £11)" for allocation.

Drawing date : october 12th
you can buy as many tickets as you want until october 11th!

Thanks (again) to Sébastien,all money collected will allow our charity to improve the living conditions of numerous children in Nepal and in India : 

I wil be happy to welcome the winners for this very speical event!

Laurent Charbonnier
Honorary President

so you all know wat to do! buy this tickets and try to win that LOVELY PRICE! so come on buy buy buy!!!!!!!!!!


woensdag 21 september 2016

SIOFC/IDFFC News : Rita Dhooge wins #BroadwayforAMTM package!


While the boy's re-start their tour,things getting more and more their normal way of life.
So the Sébastien Izambard Official Fan Club did an auction via Il Divo Fans For Charity for AMTM!
Well now they have a winner!
Just aswell she won twice a tumbler (the auction for this one) and yet again Rita D'hooge wins this auction with a high bid of 62€!!! Congratiolations Rita! And if that's not enough The Sébastien Izambard Official Fan Club will up the amounth with 20€ to celabrate their status of being official registered!


Caro x

woensdag 14 september 2016

Il Divo nominated for the Lunes Del Auditorio Award in Mexico


Il Divo is been nominated for the Lunes Del Auditorio Award. Il Divo has been nominated for the category "Pop Lengua Extranjera" (Pop in a foreign langue).
The list of other nominees you can find here on the Lunas website :


the winners of the 21 categories will be annouced on the 26th october at the Auditorio Nacional.

Thank you to the Sébastien Izambard Official Fan Club for sharing!


Congratiolations to Urs and Leticia with their marriage at the 12th of september!

Hello all,
we want to wish Urs and Leticia congratulations with their wedding at the 12th of september 2016!!! Pictures see below : 

dinsdag 13 september 2016

Petition : Amor & Pasion : For a Global Il Divo DVD Release! Sign,comment and SHARE!

Everyone have learned by now that there will be a DVD of the Amor & Pasion Tour of Il Divo but only to release in Japan... This is not fair to the other country's but also not fair for those who didden't had the chance to go to the concert... Here is the link to the petition page : A&P : For a Globl Il Divo DVD Release

 So come on and share sign this petition!

 with love, Caro

zondag 11 september 2016

Sébastien Izambard Official Fan Club Auction : #BroadwayforAMTM


There is a new auction for AMTM called #BroadwayForAMTM. You can bid via the page of Il Divo Fans For Charity (details below).The auction start at the 11th of sept till the 21th of sept. Lets grab those tickets!

this is wat the Sébastien Izambard Official Fan Club wrote about it :

This auction package contains items that where exclusive to the Il Divo Broadway Shows during the kick off of the Il Divo A Musical Affair tour in november 2013.
The Package includes : 
* A Musical Affair (AMA) Tour Programme,Broadway show exclusive
* A Playbill from the performances
* Broadway VIP Lanyard
* AMA Notebook gift,included in all the VIP packages for the tour
* 1 ticket from the November 9th Performance
* 1 gift bag from the AMA tour.
all proceeds of this auction fundraiser will go to AMTM. The auction starts on Sunday,sept 11th,9pm CET and will end automatically on Wednesday,sept 21st,9pm CET
PLACE YOUR BIDS HERE : ildivofansforcharity/broadwayforamtmauction

lets rock this auction!


zaterdag 10 september 2016

Il Divo Live in Japan DVD & Deluxe available in Japan from november

Hey hey!

Exiting news for Il Divo fans in Japan! The Il Divo in Japan 2016 DVD will be available from november 16th in Japan! This been said by CD Japan.

It's Il Divo IDGI who found a first look at the Deluxe edition via Sony Music Japan and we found it via the Sébastien Izambard Official Fan Club!

Nice news before the start of the US - part of the Amor & Pasion tour wat start again from from the 19th september

Sébastien Izambard Official Fan Club News : Governement Registration Number, Publishing in the Belgian State Journal and Business News!

Hello Again!

Much news from the Sébastien Izambard Official Fan Club wich we are a proud affliate from! They got their Governement Registration Number and they are published in the Belgian State Journal (Moniteur Belge). They also have updated their financial business information. Want to know more? read this article and make sure you go to www.sebastienizambard.com and www.ildivofansforcharity.com , more info about how to reach the fanclub below!

SIOFC recieved their Governement Registration Number! 

The Sébastien Izambard Official Fan Club have received their Governement Registration Number. This number 0661.670.850 is the official Belgian Registration number. This means that in Belgium,the law states that on each official document,like an invoice, that the organisation uses,the name Sébastien Izambard Official Fan Club VZW or ASBL (VZW or ASBL are the Dutch and French abbreviations for non profit organisation) as also the number is mentioned.
They have now also opend an dedicated,professional bank account wat also will serve for the Charity Project (more info see below) and also their Paypal account will be convert in a business account! 

SIOFC in the Belgian State Journal (Moniteur Belge)
The most legal step in the registration process is that the Sébastien Izambard Official Fan Club is published on the website of the Belgian State Journal/Moniteur Belge/Belgisch Staatsblad,the governetment's publication for laws,decrees and official organisations. This was at the 5th of september. This give them the professionalisation of their financial processes.

Fanclub - #ildivofansforcharity financial business information
The Legal registration of the Sebastien Izambard Official Fan Club as a non profit has given way to the creation of a dedicated,professional bank account for the organisation aswell an upgrade to a business Paypal account. So the people who fundraise,shop and donate via www.ildivofansforcharity.com will be 200% sureof a safe and professional financial dealing,monitored by the governement.

For the payment options in the store and the donation possibilities this means the following : 
* the store have a Paypal Express Check - Out - even quicker via the business paypal
* the store handles credit card payments directly.

The Full financial information for donations,fundraising and shopping is now as following : 

Bank account owner : Sébastien Izambard Official Fan Club
IBAN : BE11 0017 9437 8748
Banking institution : BNP Paribas Fortis (Belgium)
Appearance on credit card statements : SEBASTIENIZ

at their website the details are already been changed. The adress for the contact of the merchandise / sales team for questions is still sales@ildivofansforcharity.com

How to reach Sébastien Izambard Official Fan Club and Il Divo Fans For Charity?

Sébastien Izambard Official Fan Club : 
Via the website : www.sebastienizambard.com
via Twitter : @official_sifc
via Instagram : @sifcofficial

Il Divo Fans For Charity :

Wat are the charities Sébastien Izambard Official Fan Club / Il Divo Fans For Charity is fundraising and raising awareness for? 

Assitstance Medicale Toit Du Monde (AMTM)
AMTM is and French organisation who operate in Nepal and India to help older people and children. They build,teach and take care of them.
You find AMTM here : 
at the website : www.amtm.org
at Facebook : amtm
at Twitter : @amtm_fr

The Sanfilippo Children's Foundation Australia
Sanfiippo,is an rare and fatal syndrome called MPSIII. It's a genetic concdition that affects the metabolism and results in severe damages to the Central Nervous System. Sanfilippo is referred as a childhood disease becuase patients never reach adulthhood. 
The mission of the Sanfilioppo Children's Foundation is to drive research,enable acces to effective treatments and improve the quality of life for Australian children affected by the fatal childhood desease. 

You find the Sanfilippo Children's Foundation Australia here :
the website : www.sanfilippo.org.au
at twitter : @SFCFoundtn
at Instagram : @sfcfoundtn

Nordoff Robbins : 
Nordoff Robbins helps with music therapy. 

You can find Nordoff Robbins here :
at Facebook : Nordoff Robbins 
at Twitter : @NordoffRobbins1

If you need more information don't hesistate to ask the team of SIOFC! Lets make this project bigger and lets raise awareness for the charities cause they need help from all of YOU! Without you this would not exist!

Caro x

Back afther holidays and congratiolations to the #raffleforildivotumblers winners!

Hello everyone!

We are back afther a much needed vacation. I want to thank my 2 Facebookpage admins Jean-Pierre and Christelle to continue their work at the page while i was at Disneyland! Thank you so much!

Before i went on vacation there was a raffle for Il Divo Tumblers but i didden't wrote a newsblog on that yet but here we go!

The Sébastien Izambard Official Fan Club had the draw,been done at the Sanfilippo Chidren's Foundation HQ in Australia,by Ingrid Maack and their lovely dog Remi). The winners of this draw are 2 times Ritha D'Hooge, Jeri Mason and Tina Haagensen! Congratulations!

Caro x